Layher Scaffolding

Layher Allround Scaffolding - The Flexible System

Layher Allround scaffolding systems are ideal for demanding applications where conventional scaffolding technology cannot be used optimally and economically. The unique combination of positive and rigid connection in a fast and non-bolted system permits a choice of automatically right-angled, linear or angled connections with built-in safety.

From industry to entertainment, from chemical plants or hospitals to music stages the possibilities and options are endless.

Modular scaffolding, that can be constructed in three dimensions from each rosette, offering endless possibilities. The result of superior design, 8 connections can be made on teh structurally ideal Allround connector on one level and at various angles.

The Allround connectors design, high-quality material and precision manufacture ensure high stability, dependable quality and complete safety.

The flexibility allows for the construction of rolling towers, cross-over bridging structures and birdcage scaffolding.

Layher scaffolding project
Layher scaffolding project
Layher scaffolding project
Layher scaffolding project
Layher scaffolding project